The Balance Blueprint

Kate McGoey


Balance is not something we need to seek, but something we need to rediscover within…

The Balance Blueprint Circles are an invitation to reconnect. To set aside any mask you’ve been wearing , any role you’ve been playing and any energy you’ve been carrying that isn’t yours.

We will begin with a grounding meditation and an invitation to gently drop in. An invitation to lay down your mask and remember who you are and what you need.

I believe that balance is not something we need to seek, but something we need to rediscover within.

In these circles, I will offer you the space to remember who you are under the demands life has placed on you, and what you need.

What to expect: I will provide a soft structure for the time we spend together in circle, and will set the tone with a short grounding meditation at the beginning. After that the time is yours to share anything you wish to, or to sit in beautiful silence if you prefer.


21 December 2023: 6:30pm

12 January 2024: 6:30pm

15 February: 6:30pm

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  • £10

  • Reduced price available £6


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