Of Stories & Silence

Yolanda Brooks


Pure sharing…a simple space of connection and reflection, where stories are shared and silence is sacred…

There are so many reasons to sit in a circle like this one ~ holding space for each other, and setting the words free. The words that have been trapped with nowhere to go, for fear of judgment or ridicule.

In pure circle, we hold, and we are held. Pure and simple. Stories and silence. We are all experiencing this journey, and as humans we each have our own stories to tell. We learn to listen deeply, and let go of judgments and expectations - of ourselves as well as each other. And we learn to speak without fear - we understand what it is to be accepted in all our beauty.

And the magic of it is that every time we meet a thread of connection appears; and as women we find that what binds us to each other through our differences, is our sameness.

“I believe in the power of words to change lives, just as it has mine. And I believe everyone has, within them, what they need to change their stories and change their lives.”

Join a small group of women who want exactly the same as you ~ a community in which you can share thoughts, worries and joys, and gain strength, knowledge, and love.


First Wednesday of every month

Book here >>

Find out more


FB: @lettingthelightin

IG: @etting.thelight.in

07812 593 966


£11 (£6 supported ticket) - Booking link >>


Certified Circle Facilitator, Somatic Therapist & NLP Practitioner


New & Full Moon


The Balance Blueprint