New & Full Moon

Katie Carswell


A healing and transformational space for those committed to their healing, transformation, spiritual or manifestation journey…

Welcome to the Circle 🦋

The circle offers you a place to just be, to connect to yourself and your own inner wisdom. To be seen, heard, held, and witnessed by the other women you sit with, women who are experiencing the same or similar as you. Without judgement, comment or opinion, just unconditional support and acceptance.

Everyone belongs at the circle, whatever stage of the journey you are at, healing, transforming, manifesting, changing, reconnecting.

You may feel you are:

  • Too broken, or not broken enough.

  • Too happy, too busy

  • You have nothing to offer, nothing to share, nothing to heal.

  • Too much to heal, too traumatised, too triggered

Believe me when I say, I have seen, sat with and held space for it all. No matter where YOU are, the magick of Circle, it meets YOU where you're at, and delivers exactly the medicine and messages you need.

Held under the energy of the new and full moon, we gather to reflect and explore a theme each circle, aligned with the energy of the month we are in and the moon we are under. Intuitively chosen to support you with what feels most present and needed.

Together we explore topics such as self love and care, transformation, healing, boundaries, balance, trust, manifestation and more.

Circle can include the following practices: guided meditations, smudging ritual, energy cleanse, sharing, journaling, a healing practice such as breath work, mantra or other ancient wisdom modality, somatic or Kundalini inspired movement, ritual, working with crystals, oracle cards and intention setting.

The Circle will gently guide you to heal and transform yourself, apply a loving salve to the parts of you that need it, maybe things you didn't even realise, it reconnects you to your true self, and opens you up to new, aligned and magickal possibilities.

Moon Circles

Fortnightly Wednesday 8-10pm


£30 (£20 concession)

Book here >>

Find out more


IG: @katiecarswell

FB: @lifecoachplymouth


  • Women’s Full & New Moon Circles - £30 each or £20 concession, plus bring a friend for free.

  • Yew Circle Membership - from £27 per month

Circles can be bought as part of a monthly membership, The Yew Circle, where you can choose your membership and attend one to multiple circles with me throughout the month. The membership has the added bonus of members-only workshops, including working with crystals and guest spiritual teachers, both online and in person, all included within the membership cost.


I am a certified mindfulness life coach and spiritual coach, I have trained in many ancient wisdom modalities and techniques, as part of this training and personally. I have held group coaching, mindfulness, reiki and circles for many years. I am also part of the Grove membership for professional space and circle holders, where I continue my personal and professional development. I also recently attended a grief retreat for circle holders to deepen my capacity to hold space for this experience within my community.

About Katie

“I’m Katie Carswell, your guide, to bring you home to you. I live in the South Hams in Devon, close to the sea and surrounded by countryside, a constant source of inspiration and joy. My fortnightly full and new moon women’s circles in South Devon and online are portals for self-awareness, healing, transformation, and manifestation.

The ethos behind all of my work is the power of creating space, so you can reconnect to the wisdom inside of you and experience deep transformation to unlock your best life. I work with the seasons and cycles [yours & natures], moon, earth and crystal magic. Weaving all these different modalities together, I create safe and nurturing spaces, events and products giving you time just to be and open yourself to the messages and medicine that you need.

I also offer a circle membership programme, called Yew Circle, which includes all my regular circles, linked with the full and new moons, as well as online circles, ad hoc Wheel of the Year sessions, the gift of a monthly crystal aligned with the season’s energy, a gorgeous WhatsApp group for additional connection.

I’m devoted to helping people see who they really are, to accept themselves, to understand their strengths and perceived weaknesses, to guide them to see wisdom where they may just see wounds and to cultivate a life that encompasses exactly who they are and how they want their life to be.”


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