Soul Expansion Circle

Moya Laird


A safe space for women to come together, to support each other, laugh, cry, be ourselves, just as we are…

Experiencing stress, anxiety or just out of sorts?

Know there's got to be more to life than this?

Wanting to connect with other like-minded women?

If you've answered yes to any of the above, then this is the circle for you.

Soul Expansion Circle is a space for women to come together to be seen, heard and valued just as they are. A safe space to connect with like-minded women, recharge your batteries, and tap into your soul’s wisdom.

To be seen, heard, and valued for the amazing women that we all are.

I have been running Soul Expansion Circle since March 2023. I host one-day retreats and workshops and have produced The Soul Starter Kit course, helping people to understand, experience, and maintain their energy field, chakra system, and crystals.

The circles will be a time to relax, unwind, and have fun, through guided meditation, sharing, music, movement, poetry, readings, etc

"Self-care is not self-indulgence, it's self-preservation"

Audre Lorde


Soul Expansion Circles
Third Monday of each month

Online - email Moya to book >>

Find out more

FB: @opendoortransformations

IG: @open.door.transformations





I’m a Reiki Master, NLP practitioner, EFT practitioner, and crystal therapist I hold my healing sessions both in-person and online.


Soul Creative Circle Online

