
Marta Manuel


Understand and embody cyclicity - in our bodies and lives - and deepen the connection between body-mind-soul…

I’m Marta. I’m a space holder, somanaut, forest bather, circle dweller, wild woman, breath and movement teacher, and many things in between. I have a passion for igniting women to reconnect with their bodies and cycles.

I love to understand and embody cyclicity (in our bodies and lives) and the connection between body-mind-soul permeates my work and life. I especially love to bring that into my seasonal circles, where I include conscious movement with Qigong, aligned with nature’s cycles and seasons.

Circle, in its many formats, has been deeply transformational for me, bringing forth so much of what I was, but had forgotten. Whether in a seasonal circle, a sharing circle, goddess circles, or moon circles, it has alchemised my relationship with and towards women into something absolutely magnificent and empowering. And, by doing so, it has had a ripple effect on my whole life too, bringing awareness, patience, self-inquiry, and compassion, that was rekindled within my heart.

It is still challenging sometimes, to bring this awareness to more difficult moments, but with every circle, it permeates my whole being more and more, reminding me that this is how we grow and expand.

Together, with compassion, space, sometimes silence, but always sharing our heart’s truth, even if that just means being fully present. This is why holding and co-creating these spaces is so meaningful to me. Because it is truly necessary, and because it does change our inner and outer worlds.


General Sharing Circles
Fortnightly, Monday evenings, 7:30 -9pm (see dates below)

May 13th - BOOK HERE >>

May 27th -BOOK HERE >>

Find out more





In either case, if this amount is challenging for a participant, there are always 2 free seats reserved for these situations.
Just contact me to reserve the seat.


Sister Stories Circle Facilitation Training


Soul Expansion Circle

