
Gemma Brady, Sister Stories

Fortnightly, online

Medicine for the heart. The place where expansion meets deep holding…

We are living in urgent times where the world can feel a hostile, overwhelming and challenging place to live.

Many of us are holding complex questions about how we relate to ourselves, our communities and the wider world.

Our bodies and souls are tired.

Our nervous systems are frazzled.

We need space to breathe.

Space to connect to our essence.

Space to recalibrate and reorient to hope and beauty.

Space to allow our fullness of emotion to be present.

Tender is a six-month circle journey which will hold space for you to reconnect to your essence, navigate complexity with grace and emerge with the tools and experience to give you access to a life-changing sense of inner-strength and connectedness.

Tender is your access point to allow your relationship to self to deepen slowly, at its own pace, with great reverence and great care. It is an access point to finding the tools to support you through the most challenging of times. It is an access point to feeling the ways in which we can allow ourselves to be held by others if we open ourselves to it.


Tender (starts January 2024)023

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