The Sacred Sisterhood

Molly Anne Chinner

Gather on the New and Full Moons to honour ourselves within the container of a sacred sisterhood…

Gather with us on the New and Full Moons of the month, alongside other Sabbats and astrological moments, to honour ourselves within the container of a sacred sisterhood.

Circling in this way on the lunar cycle allows us to tap back into our own cyclic nature and honour ourselves fully as we are -whilst paying attention to the energy of the moment.

The Sacred Sisterhood is an online space for women all across the the globe to come together within the container of a sacred circle.

An expanding community connected via the online dimensions - providing a safe space for all to explore, share, celebrate, gather and support one another.

A women's circle is a truly sacred space and container for those who attend to be witnessed without fear or judgement. A space free from judgement, competition, demands, expectation, pressure or noise. In circle everyone is equal and we can be together authentically, and in trust.

Full & New Moon Circles

Online, Zoom

We also hold circle retreats, wild spa weekends, and wild medicine days in and around London and Gloucestershire.

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Women's Leadership Facilitation; The Psychedelic Society; Advanced Shamanic Pathways; Caer Cohrain, Trauma Informed Facilitation and Embodiment (Yoga alliance); Yoga TT (E-RYT 800); Sound Therapy (Tim Wheater + Cherub, BAST accredited)


I.Am. Circles

