Aware Parenting

Maru Rojas, South East London

Aware Parenting Mothers’ Circles: an aware parenting perspective to mothering…

I’m an Aware Parenting instructor and a mother of two young children. I have found parenting an equal mix of eye-opening, awe-inspiring, and confronting

I believe that women need safe, respectful and trusting spaces to come together in community, to explore our inner world and gather in connection and sisterhood.

We have always needed this. It is primal and innate.

I know that having someone listen to whatever I’m going through without judgement nor advice, is what makes this journey feel less daunting and I am committed to creating compassionate spaces where women can gather to experience for themselves the resourcing that happens in a circle.

Like many, I long for the community and village we are lacking and these circles aim to provide just that, which is why we sit with the same group over 4 sessions.

If mothering has taught me anything it is that most of the hard work in parenting is shining a light on ourselves, our past wounds and how they affect our day-to-day when looking after children.

In circle we can do this together.

Aware Parenting Circles

Closed circles, 8.00 - 9:40pm

(Next cohort starting November 2023)

Visit Aware parenting website >>

Find out more




Wednesday evenings, online, 8 - 9:40pm


  • £99 for four circles


Aware Parenting Instructor & Together Circle Facilitator Training by Rachel Rose


Maru also runs in-person circles in South East London, you can find out more here >>


Woman Wisdom


I.Am. Circles