The Sacred Sisterhood

Molly Anne Chinner, NW London

Cacao, dance, sound and wild medicine circles - coming together in celebration of a magical new beginnings and stepping into our full abundance..

We don't have enough spaces where we can speak honestly, authentically and without fear of judgement. When we share in held spaces such as this we often find release in speaking the words aloud, and comfort in hearing our stories reflected back to us in the experiences of other.

A women's circle is a truly sacred space and container for those who attend to be witnessed without fear or judgement. A space free from judgement, competition, demands, expectation, pressure or noise. In circle everyone is equal and we can be together authentically, and in trust.

Join us at the beautiful s0ma Home, Stoke Newington for an evening of reconnection - cacao, ecstatic dance, sound bath.

This is an opportunity like no other to come together in celebration of a magical new beginning, releasing anything that no longer serves our highest purpose and stepping into our full abundance.

Cacao, Dance & Sound Circles

Monthly, Fridays, 6:30-9pm
Soma hŌṃe (N16)

We also hold circle retreats, wild spa weekends, and wild medicine days in and around London and beyond, and new and full moon circles online fortnightly.

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A sliding scale of prices dependant on time, date, venue and financial capacity.


Women's Leadership Facilitation; The Psychedelic Society; Advanced Shamanic Pathways; Caer Cohrain, Trauma Informed Facilitation and Embodiment (Yoga alliance); Yoga TT (E-RYT 800); Sound Therapy (Tim Wheater + Cherub, BAST accredited)

Where to find The Sacred Sisterhood…



Craft & Chat


Mother Nurture